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Power 2000

Power 2000®

Fixol - AG

Power 2000 G






Fixol - AG

Fixol - AG is Non lonic based, Auxiliary spray material (Adjuvants). It works as wetting agent, Spreader, Sticker, Activator & Deflocculating Agent.

Active Ingredients -

30% Nonionic Surfactant & 70% inert material.

Fixol - AG

Special Advantages of Fixol - AG

It reduces Surface tension of Particles
Helps in dispersing powder.
It provides more uniform spray deposit on plants
Non Phytotoxic.
It improves coverage of sprays
Higher Cost effective.
It increase adhesion of sprays to host surfaces.
It prevents flocculation to ensure dispersion & retards sedimentation.
It helps to keep spray equipments clean, prevent clogged nozzles.


1 ml./ltr. with Insecticides, Fungicides, Foliar Fertilizers & Defoliators.

2 ml./ltr. for Herbicides.


It is compatable with all generally used insecticides, fungicides, foliar fertilizers & defolitors.

Mix & used Direction

Before mixing read all presticides, foliar fertilizrs herbicides & defoliator lables for specific mixing instructions.

Take required quantity of water in spray tank & add the recommended quanityt of FIXOL-ag & Mix thoroughly.

Add insecticides, herbicides, foliar fertilizers or defoliators that are to be used according to manufacturers instructions & mix thoroughly.

Safety Precautions:

Avoid contact with eyes. Use guggle or face mask when handling. Avoid breathing vapours. Avoid prolonged contact with skin. In case of eye contact flush throughly with flowing water for 15 minutes & consult eye specialist. If skin contact occurs, wash thoroughly with soap & water. If swallowed give water to drink & consult a doctor.

Keep out of reach childern. Keep container in cool & dry place

Packages Available
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