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Fixol - AG

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Fixol - AG

Fixol - AG





Phytox is an ideal agro chemical product based on Phosphorus acid and Herbal extract which works as diseases resistance agent and plant tonic.


Phytox may be used as follows :

Foliar Spray
Soil Drenching
Seed Treatment
Root Dipping

Star Characters of Phytox :

Phytox is true systemic fungicide which moves very fast in the plant system ( Upward and Downward action) and developes disease resistancy power in the plants.

Phytox is a specific systemic and broad spectrum action.

Phytox works as prophylactic and curative fungicide.

Benefits of Phytox

It protects or prevents plants from diseased like Downy Mildew, Anthracnose, Early Blight, late Blight, Leaf and Fruits spots, Fruit Rot, Wilting etc.

It supplies Phosphorus to plants.

It has systemic action specific on Oomycetous fungi on all crops.
It controls soil borne and seed borne pathogens viz. Fusarium, Rhizoctonia Sclerotium, Phythium, Phytophthora etc.
It is safe for enviornmental and user.
It has long lasting effect i.e. it gives protection for longer period.

General Recommendations

Foliar spraying : 3ml/Litre of Water.
Soil Drenching : 5ml/Litre of Water.
Seed Treatment : 10ml/Kg. of Seed.
Root Dipping : 5ml/Litre of Water.


Phytox is compatible with almost all of the commonly used insecticides, fungicides. Don't mix with alkaline compounds. It is not phytotoxic.

Note : All general safety precautions should be taken while sraying. Above information is true according to our knowledge and beliefe.

Packages of Phytox
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